Direct Acting Calipers & Spring Applied Calipers
The Twiflex GMR and GMR40 series of disc brake calipers is suitable for use with discs of 25.4mm, and 40mm thick respectively. Minimum disc diameter is 610mm. Normally one or two calipers are used per disc, but the number may be increased depending on disc size. The brakes may be positioned at any angle around the periphery of the disc, but should ideally be mounted horizontally (i.e. at the 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock position). If the caliper mounting angle is greater than 10° from the horizontal, or on vertical shaft applications, it should be fitted with an inclined mounting kit. A range of brake discs is available from Twiflex.

The GMX/SGMX calipers may be used with any of the Twiflex series of thrusters and feature a patented link mechanism to ensure uniform pad wear. Normally one or two calipers are used per disc, but the number may be increased depending on disc size. The brakes may be positioned at any angle around the periphery of the disc, but should ideally be mounted horizontally (i.e. at the 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock position). If the caliper mounting angle is greater than 10° from the horizontal, or on vertical shaft applications, it should be fitted with an inclined mounting kit or equalising link. A range of brake discs is available from Twiflex.

Spring applied caliper
Normally one or two calipers are used per disc, but the number may be increased depending on disc size. The brakes may be positioned at any angle around the periphery of the disc, but should ideally be mounted horizontally (i.e. at the 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock position). If the caliper mounting angle is greater than 10° from the horizontal, or on vertical shaft applications, it should be fitted with an equalising link. A range of brake discs is available from Twiflex.

The Twiflex MS series of disc brake calipers is suitable for use with a disc thickness of 12.7mm. Minimum disc diameter is 250mm. Normally one or two calipers are used per disc, mounted horizontally (i.e. at the 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock position) to prevent rubbing of one brake pad due to self-weight of the thruster. A range of brake discs is available from Twiflex. For pneumatic operation use dry, filtered and non-lubricated compressed air. Pneumatic brakes require a control valve, operated either manually or by pneumatic or electrical signal.

The Twiflex MX13, MX25, MX30 and MX40 series of disc brake calipers is suitable for use with discs of 12.7mm, 25.4mm, 30mm and 40mm thick respectively. The SMX caliper is only suitable for use with discs 12.7mm thick. Minimum disc diameter is 300mm. The MX/SMX calipers may be used with any of the Twiflex series of thrusters and feature a patented link mechanism to ensure uniform pad wear. Normally one or two calipers are used per disc, but the number may be increased depending on disc size. The brakes may be positioned at any angle around the periphery of the disc, but should ideally be mounted horizontally (i.e. at the 3 o’clock or 9 o’clock position). If the caliper mounting angle is greater than 10° from the horizontal, or on vertical shaft applications, it should be fitted with an inclined mounting kit or equalizing link. A range of brake discs is available from Twiflex.